18598 00:51:58 petehunt salier: yungsters: instagram has a layers implġ8599 00:52:00 yungsters salier: not sure, but it's in s_u meaning we could publish itġ8600 00:52:12 petehunt it's like.50 lines of code? no depsġ8601 00:52:18 salier petehunt: with behaviors etc?ġ8602 00:52:22 petehunt though i have no idea if it works in ie8 / doesn't support any cool behaviorsġ8604 00:52:31 petehunt salier: i have CloseOnEsc!ġ8605 00:52:39 salier :P what else would you need!ġ8607 00:53:03 petehunt it does work with ReactLayeredComponentMixin thoughġ8608 00:53:11 salier behaviors would actually be super easy to do if we could move off arbiter to something elseġ8609 00:53:36 petehunt salier: yeah, i was evaluating doing that for instagram but ended up concluding that it was too entangledġ8610 00:53:37 zpao leifdenby: catch all that? :Pġ8612 00:54:01 petehunt one thing we could do is open-source ReactLayer/LayeredComponentMixin and IGLayer with the CloseOnEsc behaviorġ8613 00:54:17 petehunt so that if we can eventually release the facebook layer impl, everyone's existing code will work with itġ8615 00:54:33 salier a lot of behaviors are pretty simple, too - you could probably port more overġ8617 00:54:54 yungsters porting over the subclasses of Layer will be the hard partġ8618 00:54:57 petehunt i also have a cheeseball contextuallayer tooġ8619 00:55:25 petehunt (it's not very good though.)ġ8620 00:55:40 salier azich is working on cleaning up CLġ8622 00:56:04 salier that might get us away from some of the dependenciesġ8624 00:56:57 leifdenby well, I understand "shipit"ġ8626 00:59:01 leifdenby and I'm pretty sure that all any salient computer user needs is keyboard events, so CloseOnEsc sounds goodġ8627 00:59:27 salier yungsters: CL is the real trickster, i think dialog should be easyġ8629 01:00:14 salier.